Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Death of a Legend (or RIP NHS)

well its happened the crazy government have finally passed through the bill to destroy the NHS as we know it It has to be one of the saddest days in an NHS workers career this is a day I never ever thought would come 12 years ago when i started my training as a naive student nurse it was a job for life, now the incoming nurses are lucky to find a job for 6 months its not the same world anymore, we still have the care the commitment and the passion but the country doesn't care and the government has no commitment.

first they took our pensions then they took our pay then our right to retire when we are 65 now they have taken away our lives, ok sounds dramatic but for many of us nurses and other HCP's the NHS is our life we work hard to get where we are and we spend more time in the NHS than at home we complain about how difficult and stressful it is but ask us properly and we wouldn't have it any other way

i can forsee a moment, 20 years from now when we are trying to explain to our grandchildren what the NHS was all about. People thinking this was the most wonderful time of free at the point of delivery health care, operations without payment, free prescriptions for vulnerable groups, and nurses able to retire at 65. it sounds like a dream world doesn't it, well remember it because soon thats all we will have of our NHS is memories, there have been minute silences and candlelit vigils today in protest but if you think about it think really hard it is actually very sad 

I find it really difficult to take in the NHS was we know it s all but gone, I can't see her maj changing the bill or rejecting it, unless she gets one wish in her jubilee year so to all you out there i give this advice if you need surgery go see the surgeon quick if you need a GP appointment make it soon, and if you have private health insurance make sure you pay the premium they will be the only ones who benefit from this bill them and the stupid politicians who made the plan in the first place.

i think it only right to end with a quote from the man himself mr Aneurin Bevan who I'm sure is turning in his grave and getting ready to haunt the condems as we speak , he had it spot on when he said

No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin. 

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Long Bank Holidays, Time to Care And More Pension Rows

Hello friends, well having recovered from what is possibly the longest bank holiday in the entire NHS things just don't get better we had to manage our poorly patients with less resources early dinners and open visiting and when the normal service was resumed again we actually realised it was much easier nursing without all the other staff around and the quieter hospital so roll on next bank holiday. 

Mr Cameron has really surpassed himself this time I think he lives in another dimension or planet or something , apparently nurses don't spend enough time undertaking direct care for their patients we should do four rounds an hour and spend less time doing paperwork and more time doing patient care and contact. well David let me give you some information, we spend as much time as we can providing care and contact to our patients and relatives this is what we came into the job for unfortunately due to your government cuts and ridiculous targets we have twice as much pointless paperwork to do and not enough nursing and care staff to be as close to our patients as we wish so we would love to have the TIME to CARE but you will have to give us back the NURSES to CARE.

And Finally (or maybe not as this has been going on some time) back to the pensions debate the government have come out with yet another offer but to be frank it is not much different from the previous one and does not appear very appealing to 99percent of the health staff, the day of action caused much disruption and I have a feeling there will be more to come if this offer does not change significantly, many unions have already refused to accept the offer some like the PCS did not even agree to take the proposal to there members My union the biggest Nursing union RCN is going to ballot us the members and this time i really hope that all this noisy moaning nurses on the social network sites put there pen where there mouth is and send back there forms because i for one really do not want to still be nursing when I'm nearly 70....

When God Created Nurses

When the Lord made Nurses He was into his sixth day of overtime.

An angel appeared and said, "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one." And the Lord said, "Have you read the specs on this order? A nurse has to be able to help an injured person, breathe life into a dying person, and give comfort to a family that has lost their only child and not wrinkle their uniform. They have to be able to lift 3 times their own weight, work 12 to 16 hours straight without missing a detail, console a grieving mother as they are doing CPR on a baby they know will never breathe again. They have to be in top mental condition at all times, running on too-little sleep, black coffee and half-eaten meals. And they have to have six pairs of hands.

The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pairs of hands...no way!" "It's not the hands that are causing me problems," said the Lord, "It's the two pairs of eyes a nurse has to have." "That's on the standard model?" asked the angel. The Lord nodded.

"One pair that does quick glances while making note of any physical changes, And another pair of eyes that can look reassuringly at a bleeding patient and say, "You'll be all right ma'am" when they know it isn't so."

"Lord," said the angel, touching his sleeve, "rest and work on this tomorrow." "I can't," said the Lord, "I already have a model that can talk to a 250 pound grieving family member whose child has been hit by a drunk driver...who, by the way, is laying in the next room uninjured, and feed a family of five on a nurse's paycheck."

The angel circled the model of the nurse very slowly, "Can it think?" she asked. "You bet," said the Lord. "It can tell you the symptoms of 100 illnesses; recite drug calculations in its sleep; intubate, defibrillate, medicate, and continue CPR nonstop until help arrives...and still it keeps its sense of humor. This nurse also has phenomenal personal control. They can deal with a multi-victim trauma, coax a frightened elderly person to unlock their door, comfort a murder victim's family, and then read in the daily paper how nurses are insensitive and uncaring and are only doing a job." Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the nurse.

"There's a leak," she pronounced. "I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model." "That's not a leak," said the Lord, "It's a tear." "What's the tear for?" asked the angel. "It's for bottled-up emotions, for patients they've tried in vain to save, for commitment to the hope that they will make a difference in a person's chance to survive, for life." "You're a genius," said the angel.

The Lord looked somber. "I didn't put it there," He said.